Quality Assurance

Our QA offer has a clear coordinating and analytical function to provide commissioning organisations a precise real time overview of impact and effectiveness of their services and offer solutions to secure sustainable improvements

We will provide a proactive approach to QA,  in a structure that would ensure visible / tangible improvements in real time.

Our QA offer adopts a systemic and collaborative approach and consultation to empower leaders, practitioners to make positive and sustainable changes – we do this by offering a different approach to QA – one in which all strands of our work will incorporate a coaching, mentoring and accountability framework effecting cultural and behaviour change.

We call this approach Beyond Auditing which was developed by two members of this team for a Local Authority to support them with rapid improvements and increase consistency within practice during a period of government intervention. In short:

  • We seek to go beneath the surface tackling the root cause
  • We are intentional and passionate in our engagement with you
  • We work with you
  • We work skilfully
  • We work to enable
  • We work to strengthen

Our QA activity will form part of a continuous cycle of learning and improvement for your organisation. This continuous evaluation will ensure that learning can be understood on a system wide level, and we will ensure themes feed into existing plans and influence change.