L Ridsdale
I engaged Carl to report to me as an embedded member of Childrens DMT to provide objective challenge to the services, lead the development of a transformational approach to accelerate the improvement journey in the context of an ILACS inadequate judgement whilst also driving financial efficiency. Through Carl’s leadership the following outcomes were achieved:
A multi-year strategy to realise £7m savings and improvements across the social care system.
Carl personally led a review of “Project Safety Valve” to recover the DSG High Needs Block deficit. The plan was so off track DfE were minded to withdraw their support, Carl recast the plan and underpinning financial model, integrating it with the SEND Improvement plan, and DfE agreed to revised arrangements and to retain their support and financial contribution.
Carl extended his role to refresh the council’s broader savings programme to secure delivery of the council’s estate, digital transformation, and operational services.
In summary, Carl brought technical expertise, a very commercial mindset and transformation strategies which have directly contributed multi millions of £ financial benefit to the council.Carl has a challenging but collaborative and enabling style and works well with high performing teams and committed leaders and I would highly commend him to others.
L Ridsdale — Chief Executive Bury Council